Service & Emotional Support Animals Policy

Service & Emotional

Support Animals Policy





Service and Emotional Support animals are welcome on our grounds around the historic Penn’s Cave Hotel if they are kept on a leash or harness, and to the extent their owners are cleaning up after them and have them under proper control around other tourists. While Service and Emotional Support animals are welcome on the grounds around the historic Penn’s Cave Hotel so long as they are kept on a leash or harness, for the safety and enjoyment of all of our visitors, and for the safety of our staff and the protection of our wildlife park animals, Service and Emotional Support animals are strictly prohibited from being taken to the Penn’s Cave barn and/or near any of the wildlife enclosures (bison, long horn cattle, deer and elk and/or wild horses and burros) that are located near the Penn’s Cave Hotel.

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Penn’s Cave employees may ask: (1) if the animal is required because of a disability; and (2) what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. 

Cavern Tours:

Penn’s Cave cavern tours are given entirely by boat, and, for the safety of everyone on board, all visitors to the cave are required to stay seated on the boat for the entire tour. Accordingly, for the safety and protection of our Penn’s Cave guides and all of our visitors, no Service or Emotional Support animals are permitted on the Penn’s Cave cavern tours as there is no means for people to reach immediate safety if a Service or Emotional Support animal on the boat becomes uncontrollable or if a visitor on the cavern tour has a medical reaction (e.g., allergic reaction) to a Service or Emotional Support animal.


Farm-Nature-Wildlife Tours:

For the safety and protection of the Penn’s Cave Wildlife Park animals, the Penn’s Cave Animal Care Team, and for the safety and protection of all of our visitors, no Service or Emotional Support animals are permitted on the Farm-Nature-Wildlife Tour. The Penn’s Cave Wildlife Park houses wild animals and natural predators that are extremely sensitive to other animals, and, therefore, any outside animals could evoke territorial and/or predatory aggressive behaviors in the Wildlife Park animals. In addition to the safety risks, some of the Penn’s Cave Wildlife Park animals will not come into view for the tour buses when they sense an outside animal on such tour bus.


Penn’s Cave Café:

Service and Emotional Support animals are permitted in the Penn’s Cave Café, however such animals are not permitted to sit directly at or on the tables (e.g., on the chairs, table surface, etc.), and may not be fed at the tables. Such animals are permitted to lay down, sit or stand near their owners at the table where the owner eats. Penn’s Cave will ask the individual with disabilities to remove the Service or Emotional Support animal if such animal defecates, urinates, or is otherwise uncontrollable inside the Café; in such cases, the individual with the disability will have the option to remain in the Café without having the Service or Emotional Support animal on the premises.

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